Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Application Process Online

...5:30 a.m.

What do you think about the online application process? ...Easier?.. Convenient?..or Annoying?...I'm attached to the third choice, lol....I attempted to put a few applications in online since it's the "new" way of doing things and I would much rather take my ass directly into a place and fill it out in person!!!  Not only for the simple fact that online is a pain but it shows you have more motivation to get up and move. Not to mention, I had so many damn pop-ups wanting me to further my education... did I want this, did I want that...blah, blah, blah! Damn I just want a job already. Oh another thing, I applied at ONE place and had to fill out FOUR different applications for 4 different positions, if I had done it in person I could have just said position applying for: ANYTHING AVAILABLE, smh.. Anyways, Four applications finally filled out and my fingers are tightly crossed. Wish me luck, ....please:)

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